Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Dell Streak car charger!

I recently did a crazy thing and took out a 24 month mobile phone contract with O2 in order to get my hands on the Dell Streak... I'm glad I did as its a very very funky phone. I will go into more detail on the handset at some point on here. The only things that have really annoyed me about the phone is the poor battery life, think of your charging lead as an ambilical cord and you're getting pretty close, and the deliberate method of stopping you from using already existing methods of charger to get the thing going.

It'll trickle charge from a computers USB port, which as far as I'm aware gives less that 1amp however, it will not charge from any other USB power port I had (ones that had been used to charge mobile phones, GPS devices etc.. No fag lighter USB charger would work either.. I bought a couple of 2amp chargers and neither did the trick..then I came across the following article which explained all.  To cut a long story short, you need to bust open your USB charger, (the bit you insert into the fag lighter socket) and carefully solder a joint between the middle 2 USB pins (there are 4, the middle two aren't used). I've done it and it works perfectly!

Which means... Dell have deliberately designed their phone not to charge off any other USB charging device. How very grown up and to top it off the rip off merchants wanted to charge you £50 for the privellage of using their own car charger...

Its a shame that such a nice device has such a murky background.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, Mugen Power just released the 4800mAH Extended Battery for for Dell Streak,

it should be last triple time with 1 charge than the stock battery!