Sunday 5 September 2010

Android 2.1 update for Dell Streak!

Finally Android 2.1 is out for the Dell Streak. If you see the above black triangle appear on your notifications tab.. click it.. and you will not regret it! I was a little hasty in all fairness, I couldn't wait to install it, I quickly took a few photo's of Android 1.6 for this blog but didn't think to make a quick note of the apps I'd previously downloaded (all your apps will be scrubbed - don't worry, ones you've paid for are downloadable free of charge)

The upgrade takes approx 20 minutes, including download and makes a pretty amazing difference to your Streak. It'll scrub pretty much everything off that isn't stored on your memory card to bear that in mind. Major improvements include better connectivity (its holding it signal to O2 much better than it used to - signal hasn't dropped out once since the upgrade), faster and better battery life as well as a larger keyboard (handy if you have hands bigger than a 5 year olds).

I'll go in to much more detail in the next week or so and include photo's etc. So far its been fantastic with zero draw backs. Well done Android.

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