Friday 21 August 2015

Windows XP Update through Explorer not working after fresh install

Regarding my last post, I've just done a fresh XP install on a Dell Dimension 2400. The OEM version of XP on this was up to Service Pack 2. After installing SP3 I then installed .Net Framework 4 and still had the problem of not being able to initiate updates. If you have this problem as well, try this fix from Microsoft. It worked for me! Its fix number 50777.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Picasa constantly searching photos as though it was a fresh install..

This happened to me before in an installation with Windows 7 and has happened again with Windows 10. There's surprisingly little info out there on how to fix it despite it being a problem that a lot of people suffer with.

The symptom; every time I opened Picasa it would ask me where I wanted it to search for pictures, as though it was just installed. It would run the search find everything. Then when I closed Picasa and returned to it moments later, it would ask to do it all again. Clearly.. summit broked.

The only way I could fix this was to uninstall Picasa, then manually remove the leftovers. I found associated Picasa data here;

C:\Program Files (x86)

(##### is your username)

Just delete the folders with Picasa mentioned in their names.

I then restarted my PC (I'm old fashioned and always found restarting solved many problems - and clears the cache)

After deleting this and then downloading a fresh copy of Picasa (as I had done before - god knows why this worked) the installation worked and Picasa behaved as it's supposed to.

This isn't the disaster it sounds, if you login to your Google account with Picasa it automatically identifies the items you've previously uploaded etc. It sounds like major surgery but it isn't and it worked for me!

Installing Quicktime in Windows 10

Okay, so far I love Windows 10. I did a straight upgrade on my laptop (the HP G6 I've mentioned before) however on my PC, I decided that I wanted to increase the size of the SSD I had installed and then put a fresh Windows 10 installation on that. Although there is a way to download Windows 10 as a standalone, I found that it wanted a COA key. It didn't recognise the Windows 7 COA like I figured it would. The way I got around this, was to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 and then create a recovery USB and then install that onto the new SSD. It worked!

So, the laptop was working fine, all the old stuff carried on as usual however I was buggered on the PC as I like to use Picasa and was unable to view videos etc without Quicktime installed. Apple has not yet made Quicktime compatible with Windows 10.

The work around.. download Quicktime. Unzip the download (right click etc - I use a really good program called 7zip for this). Once unzipped run AppleApplicationSupport and then AppleSoftwareUpdate. These should install fine. Then, right click on Quicktime and select Troubleshoot Compatibility. Windows 10 then literally figures out the rest and installs Quicktime as it should.


Getting the updates to work after a fresh install of XP

I've recently decided to clear out a load of my old IT stuff that I don't use very much. I found two Compaq D510's, one is a Pentium 4 2.4 and the other a Pentium 4 1.6. They both had over 1GB of RAM in them which isn't bad!

I decided to stick a fresh install of Windows XP on them so that I could sell them both on Gumtree. I figured someone else might make better use of them.

If you have an old Windows XP terminal with a COA sticker and no installation disk, you'll need to track down a copy of Windows XP OEM. This will basically accept any COA sticker and run with Windows activation program after installation. So far, I've never had any issues with this.

One of the first problems I came across after installing XP was getting all the updates. Even with SP3 installed there was still a problem, basically, the Windows Update page wouldn't load at all. The fix for this is to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4. This filled in the gaps between an old copy of XP and the updated updates feed!